Through the Peephole: A Sneak Peek at The Pallas Epiphany Splitboard

Deep Days Ahead With The Pallas Epiphany Splitboard

Seeing as how we are currently getting dumped on in the PNW (!!!), and I am currently back east not getting dumped on (totes chill about this, totes chill; like, not even thinking about it), I thought it would be as good a time as any to offer up a brief preview of the Pallas Epiphany splitboard. With deep days ahead (or right in front of us, once avalanche observations start to shift/calm), thinking about a new women’s splitboard isn’t out of the question.

And so, with snow and splits and skinning in mind, meet the Pallas Epiphany splitboard. And its maker, Steph Nitsch.

Having Your Own Epiphany With Pallas Snowboards

That right there (🖕🏽), that’s Steph Nitsch—founder, creator, and maker of Pallas Snowboards. And her dog maybe? I don’t know.

I got to meet Steph this past November, briefly, when she dropped off one of her real pretty Epiphany splitboards at my house (and then again, at the Dirksen Derby in December, where we traded mid-pack results back and forth, NAFTA-style). When Steph showed up to hand over her Epiphany, a beautiful 151 cm splitboard she made by hand, and explain a little about how to put it to use (nope, I had never before splitboarded), I put down the 18-gauge pneumatic brad nailer I’m obsessed with, brushed sawdust from my shoulders, and exchanged a few words with her about the joys and satisfactions of building shit. Me: a creative workshop. Her: fucking snowboards and splitboards for women (insert googly eyes here).

First Skin & Slide With the Pallas Epiphany Split: How Getting Shit Wrong Can Feel So Right

Yes, I put the bindings on the wrong feet (ratchet system facing inward, instead of outward), and yes I skinned up with my left ski as my right and my right ski as my left. But you know what? I want to bet that I’ll never make these two rookie splitboarding mistakes again, and neither will you. You’re welcome.

Despite getting shit wrong—and without getting into too much detail before the real Epiphany review (which rolls out this spring)—I’ll have you know that skinning up and then sliding down on the Pallas Epiphany split felt so… right. And the Spark R&D women’s Arc splitboard bindings/pucks combo on this thing? Holy shit, like fucking butter. Seriously. I had no idea how smooth, effortless, and simple a set of splitboard bindings could be to set up, deploy, and reconfigure while on snow. I’m sold.

Speaking of Spark R&D… You’ll Hear From Us (in the Spring) About Their Women’s Arc Splitboard Bindings

In conjunction with our forthcoming spring review of the Pallas Epiphany splitboard, we’re also going to do a full review of the Spark R&D women’s splitboard bindings we’re trying out with the Epiphany (and any other splitboards that happen to meander our way between now and then). Until that review surfaces though, you should know that, in addition to being really easy to use, the Spark R&D Arc bindings are also light/light/light and hawt—aesthetically speaking. I mean just look at them next to and/or mounted all ass backwards on that Pallas split. Shiiit, the color palette is on fire. Perhaps even what some might call lit.

Aight so that’s the sneak peek, bitches. Brief, I know. Now hand over your email address using the form below and we’ll let you know when that new-new comes through.