Having Words With Gold Snow Foundress, Laura Winberry - Part Three of Tres

Lisa Left Eye, Snowboarding Essentials & Jess Fucking Kimura (💕👀): All in a Day’s Work With Gold Snow.

Indeed, the third and final installment of our weird little interview with the den mother of Gold Snow is upon us. And like any good Sophoclean tragedy, twists, turns, and murderous events are bound to transpire over the final paragraphs of this epic saga of an interview.

Or not.

Either way, you can check out parts uno y dos, or start with part three right now and then make your way backwards. Choice is yours. Just know that the photos you’ll see are from the peering lens of Katie Sox, and the words you’ll read are from Gold Snow foundress Laura Winberry.

Carry on, enjoy, and become one with the snow spun from gold.

Y’all, meet Lisa. Lisa, meet y’all.

Who is Lisa?

Oh my god. Lisa is the sweetest! There’s just an air about her you can’t ignore. Lisa is my dear friend’s one-eyed chicken (named after Lisa Left Eye Lopes, obviously). She made her modeling debut in a recent Gold Snow photo shoot with my most favorite lady photographer (Sox, again). Keep your left eye out for Lisa in our reviews and Instagrams. She’s a total babe.

It’s three boobs and no waiting with the park-focused women’s Back Talk from Ride. Hmmm… does more boobs equal more representation?

What is the snowboard industry lacking?

There’s a lot the snowboarding industry is doing right. But, the industry is also a microcosm (or extension) of our larger society (domestically speaking, here in the U.S.). And so of course, traditionally underrepresented individuals and demographics are still…  underrepresented. Or not represented at all. Even though these individuals and demographics exist, and they snowboard. What I’m saying is that similar to the rest of the outdoor industry, we’re missing a certain level of full-spectrum representation within the snowboarding industry. Sorry, but one magazine cover once a year doesn’t cut it.

Nonessential essential for a day on the hill?

Um. All of it feels essential, right down to the pocket snacks in every zippered pocket. Maybe a fresh sports bra? Not essential per se, but now that I think of it, changing your sports bra from a damp one to a dry one mid-day could become essential. Yeah, that sounds like a game changer.

This is the Cold Shoulder, a women’s directional board from K2 that’s tops in our book. Why? Read our review of it here.

Femme rider that has you stoked:

JESS FUCKING KIMURA. On so many levels and in so many ways. Not only did she produce the first-ever all-women’s urban snowboarding film (The Uninvited) while she was laid up with injuries, but she also takes the imaginative world of urban snowboarding and infuses it with her own sense of creativity, style, beauty, and line choice. And, Kimura speaks the fuck up. She wants more for more women, and takes action in that direction instead of just thinking about it. In the same vein, I also dig urban rider Miyon Yamaguchi (her style + those taps, damn!). Urban riding is one of the most accessible forms of snowboarding across class lines. I love it and what comes through it to no end. 

Pace out, beeshes.

Thank you for your time, stay tuned in with Gold Snow as we build our collection of reviews, and pray to Satan for home. Also…