A Weird Little Interview With Gold Snow Foundress, Laura Winberry - Part Dos

Beyond Women’s Snowboard Reviews… And Into the Ether of Gold Snow, Getting Dirty & La Raison D'etre.

Update: The weird little interview coming out through our (most) local Outdoor Oregon Magazine is going to be pushed gently into the future. Instead of it showing its pretty little face in January, it’s now going to surface in March/April. The reason for this shift is a really really really good (and also heart-heavy) one: the mag needs the page space in order to honor the late and great Jake Burton. Frankly, we bow to this and very much look forward to sitting quietly with Jake Burton in Outdoor Oregon’s next issue.

In the meantime, check out part dos of our forthcoming interview, with some questions and photographs by truth-seeker mamacita Katie Sox, and some confusing answers from Gold Snow foundress Laura Winberry.

When you leave Katie Sox alone, this is what she creates. Couldn’t love it any more than we already do.

Where do you see Gold Snow going?

As it says on our website, I want to see Gold Snow grow in prismatic, riotous, femme-centric, avant-garde ways. But where is it going? To the moon and back, wherever that moon may be. By the time this thing prints, we will have launched a Gold Snow Kickstarter in order to grovel for $$$ so that I can pay women fairly and adequately for their work. Care to help us in our journey to the moon? Hit me up. Because women who ride (or are thinking about riding) deserve the option to gather insight from other women who ride, and then use that insight to make their own informed decisions. More women on snowboarding setups they love means more women loving snowboarding. Snowboarding helped shape me as a human being, and continues to do so in fundamental ways. See where I’m going with this? 

Pow and trees or Park laps?

All of the above! Depends on the mood, the conditions, the time of year, and the playlist.

Mornings or afternoons?

NOT a morning person. But if there’s snow involved? I’m in, all fucking day. Snow is one of the only things that will stop me from hitting the snooze button like six times before sliding out from under the covers.

These boots are siiiiick. Read our review of them here.

Storm days or bluebird?

Storm days. Storm days. STORM DAYS.

What's your favorite Prince song?

When Doves Cry. The music video is classic.

Favorite coffee?

As soon as I was introduced to third-wave coffee, any other wave was out the window. Which is to say: I like medium to light roasts that may or may not have been pretentiously named and that come in aesthetically alluring bags. Sounds douchey, I know. But it’s true. Best I can think of this past year? Cortados at Satan’s Coffee Corner in Barcelona. Also, I like Satan.

Any goals for your riding this winter?

I either ride alone, with Leafy (pretty much my favorite shred buddy), or with a solid group of amazing men and one or two amazing gals. One goal is to bring a few more solid female riders into the mix, please and thank you. Also, quality riding and shooting time with Gold Snow photographer, Katie Sox. Also, consistent handplants.

Thanks for reading. Part tres coming soon. Until then, feed your IG disease here. Or…