Laura Winberry Rider Profile

Rider Profile for Laura Winberry.

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Laura Winberry


Bataleon Magic Carpet 151 (twin)

Burton Cartel Bindings, SM

Nitro Crown TLS Boots, SZ 7


Regular, 15/-15 @ 22” centered

Who you ride with on the regular:

lady shred crew (comprised of skiers and riders); my bro-homies; Myself.

Music you listen to, if any, while sliding:

If solo, mostly hip hop, punk, and do make say think.

What else should we know about the loveliness that is you?

I practiced ballet and played the shit out of soccer for most of my young adulthood. i’ve gotten to race and ride bikes all over the world, including japan, France, Italy, Switzerland, and china. i am utterly confused by, and profoundly in love with life. i used to not curse. now i curse a fuckton. this feels good.

The thing is…

I have a hard time finding boots that work with my feet/calf/ankle combo. while I’ve been riding Thirtytwo women’s Lashed boots for over 10 years, and i love them, i’m on a forever-quest to find a pair of women’s snowboard boots that kill it in the park and all over the mountain (sans heel lift, sans pain/numbness). perhaps such a thing does not exist. i like to think it does.

IG Shit: @winbraker

Check out L boogie’s reviews here:

nitro crown tls boots, Bataleon Magic Carpet Board