RIDE Psychocandy Review
RIDE Psychocandy Snowboard: Who Might Ride It
““...a well-built, lightweight women’s snowboard that treats you like the inventive, high-level rider you are...””
Reasons number one through one-hundred to buy the RIDE Psychocandy women’s snowboard are: it’s lightweight AF and the effect of that comes roaring through in the ride itself. Whether your thing is full or half-rotations off of side-hits, maintaining speed and stability over weird/variable/sun-cupped conditions, floating over and across everything you put your clairvoyant mind to, or all of the above, this tapered directional rocker is yours for the taking. Seriously, we are semi-infatuated with this bish. And, if you’re looking for a well-built, lightweight women’s snowboard that treats you like the inventive, high-level rider you are, chances are you will be too.
On-Snow Feel
Light, effortless, stable. Frolicsome, confident, chill. These are the top descriptors that surface when I think about cruising around on the all-new RIDE Psychocandy women’s board.
Spinning the RIDE Psychocandy off of small side-hits in soft spring conditions is serene, not to mention sibilant. The overall lightweight construction of the board definitely adds to its ability to take flight and spin while leaving lip after little lip.
““While the board is extremely directional and comes with a very mellow swallowtail shape in the bedonk, landing and riding away switch on the Psychocandy is, it turns out, no big deal.””
And because landing flirty half-rotations means having confidence in your board’s ability to ride away switch, what about that? What about riding switch on the RIDE Psychocandy? While the board is extremely directional and comes with a very mellow swallowtail shape in the bedonk, landing and riding away switch on the Psychocandy is, it turns out, no big deal. In the mostly soft, spring conditions I was riding the Psychocandy in, I could even connect some switch turns without feeling sketchy about it. No, riding switch is obviously not what this board is meant to do. But, given the right circumstances, she’ll go.
Why Steer Clear of this Board
If you're looking for a snappy response out of every turn, one that feels more like lightning as opposed to the few seconds you count between lightning strikes and thunder claps in order to determine how far away a storm’s electricity is from you, or you are from it, then the RIDE Psychocandy probably isn’t your jam. By no means does the Psychocandy deliver a slow response on snow, it’s just that it doesn’t dish up the fastest. And it doesn’t claim to, either. After looking through some of my post-ride notes about the Psychocandy and seeing “fantastic, even though the turn initiation is a wee bit slower,” I turned to the RIDE 2020 catalog for a quick overview and, lo and behold, on a scale of “mellow to aggressive,” the Psychocandy response level lands itself right in the middle at “medium.”
““...queue up some Frank Ocean, let the Psychocandy dissolve under your tongue, and stay right here.””
For something that responds to your every twitch and shiver, definitely look elsewhere. Otherwise, queue up some Frank Ocean, let the Psychocandy dissolve under your tongue, and stay right here.
Why Buy the RIDE Psychocandy
The entirety of this RIDE Psychocandy review says it all. Take notes and read on, sister.
Final Notes on the RIDE Psychocandy
““...I adore its style... the RIDE Psychocandy is like a balm for your senses.””
Not only do I really appreciate how this board rides, but I also adore its style (including the imprinted “Kiss Kiss. Kill Kill.” you find upon closer profile examination; and the name, oh the name—PsychoCANDY). With a matte black top sheet— speckled white and adorned with a lava-lamp flow of the same hue—and a peach-tinted base whose graphics remind me of the slow-expanding, static-filled explosions one might find inside any given Radiohead track, the RIDE Psychocandy is like a balm for your senses. Good thing when you mount your favorite bindings (maybe a set of classy RIDE DVA’s, oui?) onto the Psychocandy and take it to the snow, it’s more of the same—a salve through and through.
Tunes to Ride by with the All-New RIDE Psychocandy Women's Snowboard
Nikes by Frank Ocean.
Frank Ocean - 'Nikes' from Tyrone Lebon on Vimeo.
151 Rum by JID.