Never Summer Funslinger
***A gentle reminder: here at Gold Snow, we don’t give a fuck whether or not something is labeled “women’s specific.” Sorry, we just don’t. I mean, we appreciate when companies make boards for women—instead of just taking one of their men’s boards and changing up the graphics—but just because a board, or any product for that matter, is designated “women’s specific” doesn’t mean it’s ideal for “the women folk.” It might just be marketing. Or it might also mean that they’ve actually put time, thought, heart, resources, and effort into creating a women’s snowboard. And that they’ve gotten input from (gasp) the gals.
What we’re saying is this: if a snowboard is good, it’s fucking good. Regardless of gender. We identify as female, support other humans who id as female, and we’re so over the construct of gender. Like we said in this long-ass IG post, the future (of humans… which is also the future of snowboarding) is “bright, genderless/-ful/-fluid, and fucking badass.”
All of which is to say, we review “men’s” and “women’s” boards, because we want you to love what you ride. And while Never Summer actually puts elbow grease into their women’s lineup, we’re also down with some of their so-called dude’s boards. Including the Funslinger…
Never Summer Funslinger Snowboard: Who Might Ride It
While the Never Summer Funslinger prefers to jib, press, and get it on in the park, this asym twin does more than fine taking laps elsewhere. Want to venture off into a few inches of peanut butter pow? How about a little bit of windblown fresh off the top peak? Well, the Never Summer Funslinger is down. And by down I mean up on all that shit. No, the Funslinger is not your bae for all-mountain riding or off-piste expeditions or epic pow days—duh, it’s a freestyle asym twin—but it can hold its own in terrain and conditions outside of the manicured lawns of parkdom.
““...a mostly park board, a beautiful skull between the feet, and the option to really dig in an edge.””
Flirtatious in terms of flex, press, and torsional flex, the Never Summer Funslinger does what it says: s l i n g s f u n. Riders who want a mostly park board, a beautiful skull between the feet, and the option to really dig in an edge (if you’re attentive about it that is—I had to remind myself to really piston my legs in and out of each turn in the wide-open bowls, and then things felt more solid), will enjoy the Never Summer Funslinger. I know I (basically) did.
On-Snow Feel
Like I said, the Never Summer Funslinger is flirty and playful on snow. But not too soft. It has some pushback to it and it serves up a medium-soft flex that’s nice to lean into and press. It’s super-bien at riding switch, and knows its way around a park. The pop on the Funslinger is also quite lovely. I’m already obsessed with side hits, and then after a recent binge on the SHE (side hit euphoria) films, which I adore, I was searching for them even more while riding the Funslinger. Did you know that even if you only make it a half-foot off the ground, it IS euphoria? Yeah, true story.
Why this Board Might Not Be For You
Five words. The Never Summer Funslinger probably isn’t for you: IF YOU DON’T RIDE PARK. If you want to just cruise and carve and be all all-mountain, this ain’t your steed, babe.
““Chances are you’ll love the world of asyms. Seems like most folks do. Though, keep in mind that like any board, not all asyms are created equally.””
Also… I’ve tried several asymmetrical twins now from several different companies and, to be honest, I just don’t think I’m an asym twin kinda gal. The heel edge does feel great, but there’s just something about all the asym twins I’ve tried that does'n’t feel right to me. I can’t quite put my finger on it yet, and I know everyone loves the asym. But it would be pretty emperor’s new clothe’s of me to look around at all the folx in asym awe and just nod along while secretly, inside, all I see is a naked man.
Chances are you’ll love the world of asyms. Seems like most folks do. Though, keep in mind that like any board, not all asyms are created equally. So don’t just try one and then call it. Keep testing. Or, we’ll keep testing for you and you keep reading our reviews.
Why Buy the Never Summer Funslinger
Speaking of asymmetrical twins, here’s a fun fact from The Good Ride’s Biesty: “you can lean this [board] up against a wall and it will stay there instead of fall[ing] to one side and possibly tak[ing] a few boards out with it.” That’s right, folx. The Never Summer Funslinger is an asymmetrical twin, which means it won’t slide down a wall and, for this board at least, that the sidecut on the heel edge is deeper than the sidecut on the toe edge (while everything else remains all symmetrical and twinned out). Why? Apparently it’s supposed to help you achieve a better heelside carve. Which, I’ll admit, I can feel for sure.
Yes, the Funslinger is a great ride. I would even venture to say that it’s one of the asyms I’ve enjoyed the most. At the end of the day, it’s not for me. But if you know you already like asyms, this one is pretty fucking sweet. So put the skull between your feet and enjoy.
Final Notes On The Never Summer Funslinger
I think I’ve said it all, haven’t I? Well… the graphics. I mentioned the skull between the feet a few times. Which means I love the skull between the feet. Skulls and spray paint speak to the lining of my heart, so the graphics on this thing do, too.
If you want to inform yourself about another park-focused board from Never Summer, one that I keep wishing I were riding while testing other women’s park boards, definitely check out our review of the Never Summer Shade.
Tunes to Ride by With the Never Summer Funslinger Snowboard
Pure Water by Mustard and Migos. Love the little kid that pops it in this music video.