Standing Sideways With Pyrenean Snowboarder & Tattoo Artist Margot Rozies

This one is going to be quick. As in brief and concise, not hasty.

Margot Rozies. Not fucking around. (pc: @pierredelerue)

We sent Pyrenean tattoo artist, snowboarder, and surfer Margot Rozies one of our weird little interviews and, well, she humored us by responding. Her succinct answers, as well as some of her tattoo work can be found below. Oh, and also some monochrome shred shots of Rozies throwing down—on snow, in the ocean, and on four wheels.

Read on, babes (and cheers to more women supporting women—in the arts, in life, and on snow). The black-and-white line work and words of Margot Rozies have plenty to say.

Margot Rozies: Lines & Edges From the Pyrenees

Us: How is it that you have come to breathe?

Margot Rozies: I guess I just landed here. 

Us: In which ocean has your heart landed and how did it get there?

MR: The Atlantic Ocean. Because it's the closest from where I grew up, the Pyrenees. And its coast is wild and beautiful.

Us: How will you let it be different every time?

MR: [referencing the Atlantic…] It will never offer twice the same surf conditions.

Us: What does underwater smell like?

MR: Serenity & Peace.

Us: What value do you place on winter?

MR: Every season has its value, like black needs white.

Us: What does it mean to be made in the image of the Universe?

MR: You are me, I am you, we are them, they are us.

Us: Where do you go when you cannot move?

MR: Probably drawing then, maybe injured.

Us: What is the sex of your language?

MR: I heard french is sexy but I can't hear it. 

Us: What do you remember about tomorrow?

MR: Not much.

Us: What is the meaning of the color of your eyes?

MR: It's way too fragile! Meaning it's not practical at all!

Us: What are the consequences?

MR: [referencing answer to previous question…] I have to wear sunglasses all the time.

Us: Who told you it was ok?

MR: My friends are always here to say it's ok.

Us: Where is your impetus?

MR: Deep inside myself, like each of us.

Us: How will you continue?

MR: The fun must go on.

You can find more of Margot and her clean lines @margot_rozies and Enjoy, bitches.